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Will County police and States attorney’s office make boo-boo.

inside source states attorney office: transcripts of 6:45 March 07/08/03 Will county Police

A call came in to the Will County Sheriff’s Office at 6:45 pm the anonymous caller spoke with the on duty officer.
Officer: “Yes. What can I  do for you?”
an anonymous caller “I’m calling to report  my neighbor  Virgil Sith…. He’s hiding Marijuana inside his firewood! the caller stated, I Do not  know how he puts it inside the logs, but he’s hiding it there and they are in the shed in back of his home.”

The on duty officer reported what he had been told by the caller to his superiors, So today march 9th 2007, the Sheriff’s Deputies and the States attorney descend on Virgil’s home in the 1400 block of Jefferson St in Joliet Illinois. They search the shed out back of Virgil’s home where the firewood was kept, using axes, they busted open every piece of wood in Virgil’s shed, but did not find marijuana. After 3 1/2 hours grilling the suspect Virgil Sith, Not finding no probable cause for arrest, they sneer at Virgil and leave.
Shortly after the Police and the States attorney left, the phone rings at Virgil’s home. The states attorney and one Will county officer was now enforcing a wire tap on Virgil’s home 3 blocks away; the Unknown caller said:

“Unknown caller (whispering)…. Did the Sheriff  show up.

Virgil: Yea and they brought the States attorney too?”

Unknown caller: “What did they do”? 

Virgil: They came with a warrant and busted up all of my wood in my shed and I don’t know why?”

Unknown caller: “Well I told you I would help you with that job of splitting the wood!” “Happy Birthday,  buddy!”


Note this just a joke and never really happened“.

Is Joliet City Council all talk and no action.

Back in the 70’s I lived in what is known now as The Evergreen apt and back then it was a great place to live, as a kid I had a lot of fun there, but now it is a cesspool.

Today any time of the day or night you can purchase crack, weed, meph, get robbed and get sex all in one house of debauchery.

John Mezera and the Joliet City council needs to get tough on the Evergreen terrace and its owners.

What message will it send to them that obey the law if the city council goes soft and gives up on the attempt to shut down the Evergreen apts.

The message will be clear: soft on crime and never finish what they start.

Ahh!! sounds about right don’t it..

The property that this place sits on could be utilized better as a home for battered women, a city civics center or any thing that would send a positive message to people of Joliet and to Will County.

Just think what these movie companies that have come to Joliet over the past few years have said about Joliet and think what new visitors to Joliet think on what they see when they have to go past the Evergreen apts leaving the the casino.

What is this place really costing the people of Joliet, describing it as Sec 8 housing further diminishes its image and lowers the surrounding property values and all the while there are them that would also have us believe that this place is ok as it is, It is time to clean house and it is time for the city to push the broom.

I say to the city council Get Er’ DID and stop just talking about it.

Manager sells drugs
Joliet officials have objected to a request by Evergreen Terrace’
Evergreen report Hud .pdf
Will county Report
Neighborhood watch group (McIlhenny Company)