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Change or is it..

Politics and fat cats. American people need to rethink their political decisions and elect more common and middle-class citizens to office because they’ll have a better insight with the haves or have-nots and bring a truly balanced reflection of all the citizens’ needs and concerns.

So much for a change and a higher ethical standard in Washington.

Freedom or Socialism? Will County Self Governance or Cook County Corruption!

Tomorrow we go to the voting booth to decide among a number of things who will lead our country and how our system of government will change. I grew up in a predominantly Democrat neighborhood. As a matter of fact it was 1.5 blocks south and 2 blocks east of Richard Daley’s home in Bridgeport. The neighborhood I grew up in had a fairly small town feel to it. Many of the people there had lived for generations in the same apartment, everyone knew everyone else, we were more or less poor people, not having the education, or money to gain one that would enable us to actually buy the homes we lived in. My Grandfather Phillip Peter Cleary died in the same apartment he was born in on 34th and Wallace Street. He was a veteran of World War 2, learned to drive a truck in the Civilian Conservation Corps, worked for Lincoln Meat Packing as a driver and he was a good Democrat. My Grandfather believed in America, he fought for those beliefs’ in North Africa, Sicily and at Anzio Beach. He was a part of the “Greatest Generation”! He came back to the neighborhood he grew up in and was involved in the American Legion and on a small scale politics. He was a Democrat ward worker helping to get out the vote and always helping the party he believed worked for freedom and the American Value System. He worked to get out the vote for Richard J. Daley in his first run for Mayor in 1955. 

At this point you are probably asking why I am boring you with this. I believe if my grandfather were alive today he would be disgusted by what has become of his party! It has become a repository for the Socialists and Communists of America.  An organization of intolerance to freedom, if you don’t tow the line you are ostracized and denounced, like Joe Lieberman or Zell Miller. It has become a party that is financially influenced by foreign individuals and organizations like George Soros and, the Open Society Institute and the Council on Foreign Relations, who do not have the best interests of the American People at heart.

Tomorrow we will decide if we want The United States of America to take a substantial swing to the Left and adopt the failed policies of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Mao Zedong or if we will remain the standard for Freedom in the world.

Another thing we will decide and this will have the most immediate effect on our lives. Do we want to continue the erosion of our influence in what happens in Will County or will we vote for a change in the practices that are dragging our County down. The likes of Larry Walsh, Pam McGuire, Pat O’Neil and James Glasgow are like a stain on the underwear of Will County. It is time we wash our undergarments and feel clean again.  Mr. Walsh has taken substantial amounts of money from people who do business with the county, people he has contracted. He has taken money from those that want little or no supervision to destroy the streets and highways of our County. He is an unrepentant alcoholic who has flaunted and broke the laws of our state and in the process put every citizen of this state in jeopardy by operating a vehicle while intoxicated. mR. Walsh and his buddies are chomping at the bit for Cook County style politics. Pam McGuire has not been able to lead a staff without the corruption of pay offs on tickets and sexual harassment in her office. Mr. O’Neil had to dig up a body to enable him to correctly identify (on the second try) that a murder had occurred. Mr. Glasgow has employed ADA’s that warn family members of pending charges of rape! For some reason we think that this is good Governance. Once again My Grand Father would be disgusted, I’m glad he isn’t here to witness it!