Will county schools dump mega bucks

From Joliet teacher at Large: Email received

I see this on a daily bases Local schools scrambling to prepare their students for exams districts say put non-native speakers at a disadvantage.

“Now that’s bull they put American children at more of a disadvantage.”

Will county schools dump mega bucks into teaching Illegals to read, while discounting American born childrens needs, do you believe this to be true?

(comment based on story in Herald -spew- News)

JolietJakes2008 Comments:

Dear teacher at Large,

  Illegal aliens typically earn so much less than natives, their economic contribution is much less than their numbers would suggest- and immigration enthusiasts incessantly claim.

At $8,745 per pupil (the average annual cost of K-12 public education in the U.S.) the cost of educating Illegals and their children comes to $29 billion ($8,745 times 3.3 million children) and the numbers are rising daily.

Illegal aliens are imposing an additional cost per American child (i.e. child of American-born parents) in the public school system.

About The Angry Jolietan

Joliet,Will County

3 responses to “Will county schools dump mega bucks”

  1. Mary B. says :

    I have been educated in Will county and now I find that my children do not seem to have the same advatages that illegals are getting, I know I am tired of paying the cost for these leaches in our educational system.

  2. Junev T. says :

    I am tired of having to be politically correct when it comes to illegals, I came here legally 20 years ago and got my education by paying for it by my earnings and not by government handouts of my neighbors tax dollars.

    I waited the length of time as required by immigration law and now I feel what I went through diminishes my citizenship by illegals just crossing the border.

    I spoke German when I came here and no one catered to me by having my language handy for me to read, now I look at signs in America being wrote in Spanish—-I had to learn English because I came to America, I love this country and it is my home.. If these Illegals want to be an American let them do it legally and not cost the tax paying Americans their tax dollars.

  3. Vic says :

    Trust me. It will be like busing. You won’t make them smarter you’ll just make everyone else dummer. If they are so wise why can’t they get their country to work. Screw em’ send em all back. Of course that would take a politician who has a pair… not likely. Everybody gets a break except “Joe Middle Class”. Whatcha goinna do when were gone? Shove a bone in your nose and eat each other cause we know you don’t follow the laws. And foget that immigrant crap. I like coffee but when my cup is full I quit pouring. Go back to your wonderful country which you hail each summer with a parade and all the flags you wave. Get the heck out and take your gangs with you. Zero sympathy from this guy. But the good news is I get so ticked off over this crap that I’ll end up with a heart attack over it, I just hope they bury with my butt sticking out.

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